Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In Search Of Peace

In life I find that sorrow can give intense pain; joy can give immense pleasure.  Often we become slaves to the experiences that begin to determine our happiness or unhappiness.   If sorrow and joy are two sides of a coin, is there place for inner peace? Can this peace balance my joys and sorrows? The question that arises here is how can I find this inner peace, this serenity?
Everyone has their share of choices in life. It is up to me whether I choose to rise above the sorrow that weighs me down or to drown in it.
Living in the present is very important. Learn from past experiences and look forward to the future. Do not give up the moment that is in your hands. Ignoring the things that bring grief is not a solution. Live through your sorrow and find your joy, it is like connecting to the light at the end of the dark tunnel.
Accept your feelings; attend to the emotion, not the situation or the person that has caused the pain. Do not wait for the circumstances or the individual to change, the chances are remote.
Surrender to what has happened not to the why. At this point it is easy to feel sorry for yourself, but that will only induce more aches. Be aware; find the cause of your sadness, accept it, let go of all the things that have weighed you down. Let go of the incidents that have hurt you. Give up the questions, the accusations, the suffering and pain. Free yourself of all guilt and anger.
 Beyond every sorrow there is joy. This is your time for self realisation, be conscious of the strength that lies within you. Watch your inner self work wonders as you ascend over the unpleasant life experiences and find true joy through inner peace.