Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Building Resilience as a Parent

Parenting is a huge challenge every day. Dealing with kids using calm and consistent parenting techniques can be tricky. How do I as a parent cope with parenting pressure today?
All of us have to handle stress at some point in life. Building resilience is an important task; it helps to manage our anxieties effectively.
Stress is caused by the pressure we place on ourselves and the demands of family, friends, household and work. The way you feel about yourself affects the way people perceive you.
How can you build resilience as a parent?
Identify your emotions and accept them. It’s ok not to be a super hero all the time.
It is essential to express yourself in words appropriately.
A discussion with your partner or family can help gain their co operation. Sharing family chores can be very effective.
Deal with negative feelings; avoid blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong.
Have an optimistic approach to the situation. Remember every problem has a solution and it has to be dealt with. Ignoring a problem will not make it go away. If necessary be prepared to make lifestyle changes.
Choose a relaxation technique when facing stressful moments. Recognise your stress signs like headaches, stiff muscles, mood swings, irritability and disturbed sleep.
Tell yourself to relax, take deep breaths, calm down, and tell yourself everything’s going to be alright. Believe in yourself.
Resilience is a skill and with practice can be developed for life.

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